Monday, March 3, 2014

Burlap Bunny Banner

Hello - today I am featured at She's A Sassy Lady's Blog.  As I sit here writing this post it is -1 at my house.  Thank goodness we missed the predicted snow yet again, but I know several of you did not get off that easy!!!

I usually host Easter at my house and am trying to get some new Easter Home Decor ready to go!!  I also like this burlap trend so it just made sense to make a burlap bunny banner!!

I bought some burlap 12x12 squares at Michaels and used my fabric scissors to cut triangle banner flags. 
I found some bunny shapes and cut them out of vinyl.  I put a square around each bunny to create a stencil.  I weeded out the bunny and put the stencil on each banner flag.
I was able to get 10 triangles to fit on one 12x12 piece of burlap.
I used oil based sharpie markers to color in the bunnies.  I originally wanted to use paint, but did not have enough pink paint - so I improvised!!

I put paper down under my banner flags as the paint bled a little. 
I painted two coats.  Once the paint was dry, I peeled off the vinyl stencil. 
In order to create a backing for my burlap flags, I cut apart a paper grocery sack and painted mod podge on it. 
I put the flags on the paper grocery sack and pressed them into the mod podge.  I let it dry completely and then cut them out.
I used my Crop-A-Dile to punch holes in each flag and strung pink twine through them.

I was worried that the yellow paint would not show up, but after two coats it looked just fine!
I am hoping that if I hang this bunny banner now, spring weather will come soon!!!


  1. Lori, I love the burlap and what a fabulous banner ! TFS

  2. This is super darling Lori. Love those Sharpie markers. The bunnies are so cute. Gentle nudge to let you know the new challenge at Pinque Peacock is banners if you'd like to link up!

  3. Wow Lori I just learned something new. AWESOME BANNER!! I have to add this to my must try list. Thank you so much for joining Pinque Peacock for our fun "Banners" challenge.

  4. What a cute, cute bunny banner! Thanks for joining the Pinque Peacock Challenge and Link up. Julie O, DT member

  5. What a great way to celebrate Spring!

  6. Lori I am loving this banner.. it is so cute and I am hoping for spring too... thanks for joining the challenge at Pinque Peacock..
    Laura D.

  7. This is adorable! Thanks for joining is in the Pinque Peacock challenges.
