Friday, May 9, 2014

Mother's Day in the Daycare

I helped my daycare kids decorate some clay post for their Moms for Mother's Day!

The babies pots are just darling!!!  I painted the pots yellow.  When the paint was dry, I painted their foot green and carefully stamped it on the pot sideways.  This looks like a caterpillar. 

I put #1 mom in black vinyl on the back. 
I cut put a caterpillar head and face on the heel in orange and black vinyl.
For the older kids, they painted their pots all by themselves.  I added #1 mom and flowers.  I cut them out and the kids got to pick the three flowers they wanted. 
I sealed the pots and we added soil and a flower.

I hope all of the Mom's out there have a wonderful weekend!!!


  1. I'm going to share this with my daughter-in-law who also has a day care. May be too late for this year, but there's always next year. Happy Mother's Day to you, Laurie.

  2. Such a sweet sweet gift idea! TFS
