Friday, June 6, 2014

Disney Pixar Blog Hop

Welcome to the Disney Pixar Blog Hop!
If you are looking for my Telling Your Story Through Scrapbooking Post, please go HERE!
If you love Disney Pixar and crafting, you came to the right place!  We have an entire month of fun planned for you, with a new group of crafting bloggers every Saturday in June.
If you came here from Shawn's blog, then you are in the right place.  If you just happened upon this Blog Hop, make sure to head over to Shawn's blog so that you see the full hop from the very beginning. 
My friend is taking her children to Disneyland in a couple of weeks. She needed some autograph books for the kids.
I created these 5x7 books using chipboard for the cover and back, cardstock and my Zutter Bind-It-All. I covered the chipboard with paper and cut the Mickey and Minnie out using my Cameo. I used a font on my computer to create the Prince Thomas and Princess Caroline. 
I put the year on the inside as I made it too big for the cover.
I filled the album with white cardstock. Typically, I decorate the pages on the inside with the characters, but in Disneyland the characters don't have a set autograph spot so it is hard to predict who you will see. 
 I put a little Mickey on the back.
For my next project, I decorated a visor:
I cut this Mickey head out of a red resin rhinestone sticker sheet from The Buckle Boutique. I used my cricut and the Disney Font cartridge.
I cut the sticker sheet rhinestone side down on the mat (and I tape clear packing tape all around the edges). I use the Deep Cut Blade set to 6 and Multi Cut set to 2. I slow down the speed to Medium, but sometimes the Gypsy has a mind of her own concerning the speed!!
We are planning a trip to WDW in November with the entire family - I am so excited!!! I can't wait to ride the new 7 Dwarfs Mine Ride!!  
One of my favorite character memories is when my oldest was 9 or 10 and not really into the characters but his younger brother was. While waiting for Tyler to get his book signed, Kramer was standing with his arms crossed tapping his toe. Cruella De Ville came up and started harassing him asking him if he was "too cool" to see the characters - it was so funny!!! 
What is your favorite Disney Memory?
Before you go, make sure to sign up to win some AMAZING PRIZES from our sponsors!  Our sponsors for this hop include 
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Make sure to mark your calendar for MORE projects next Saturday!  You can join the Facebook Event page by clicking HERE.  Now it's time for you to head over to {insert the name of the next person in the line up}'s blog.
Here is the full line up in case you get lost along the way:


  1. Such a sweet idea, Lori! Autograph books are all the rage at a Disney property, so these will really get a work-out. And I love the visor with the Buckle Boutique"s unique rhinestone resin sheets.

    My favorite Disney memory is having taken Princess Charlotte there just last year. At the time, her favorite character was Peter Pan, who can sometimes be elusive in character autograph sessions. We found him on the bridge near the Crystal Palace. Charlotte ran up to him and gave him an unending hug. He was so gracious with her -- all caught on video.

    Ellen / CardMonkey

  2. LOVE IT! You know that any time you can combine Mickey Mouse and sparkles I am in my happy place!

    Thank you so much for joining me in another hop. Your projects are always amazing.

    Favorite Disney memory . . . my daughter was 4 and VERY in to Buzz Lightyear (I am a Princess kind of girl) and HATED to wear dresses. After going to the Magic Kingdom she asked if she could get a Cinderella dress. I looked at my husband and said "Disney really IS magical!"

    Shawn ~ The Buckle Boutique Design Team Coordinator
    Crafty Chics Blog
    and ~ Find your Cricut images FAST!

  3. My favorite Disney memory is the time Chip and Dale were pushing each other out from the photo I was trying to take of them with my daughter, who was in her 20's at the time. I have great shots of all the action - including a little "get out of here" kick. Even the people standing behind us in line were enjoying their shenanigans.

  4. OH, this is going to be a BLINGY hop! LOVE the embellishments on your project. Hope you have a wonderful trip and make lots of great memories. Living in Florida, gives us the advantage of going up all the time and our kids love it.
    I always thought it was great seeing any part of Disney through our Sons' eyes, but now with the Grandchildren, THAT'S the BEST!!!
    Creative Wishes
    Claire S

  5. Great idea on the autograph books. Thank you for sharing it.

  6. Cute books. I think it'sa good idea leaving the pages blank, then you could decorate for them when they get back!

  7. I love your projects thank you for sharing. The autograph books are so much nicer than what you buy down there, a real keepsake.

  8. Super cute project ideas! I love the autograph book! My favorite Disney memory is going through it's a small world 6 times on our trip there!

  9. AWW! I love the autograph book! and visor! How fun! We have never been to Disney and this makes us want to go! :D

  10. Love the autograph books. My favorite Disney memory is of watching Mickey Mouse Club and wishing I could go to Disneyland. That was not in my family's budget when I was a child but my husband and I were able to take our children to both Disneyland and Disney World. I think I enjoyed it more than the kids did!

  11. Love Mickey Mouse :O)

  12. these are super cute, makes me wish I wash going so i could make them for my kiddos

  13. Super awesome idea. I love these and I am sure your friend will too. Thanks for sharing.

  14. I almost did an autograph book for the hop. Your's turned out so cute and so did the visor. Have a great trip this fall.

  15. Great projects, love the autograph book. Only been to Disneyworld once in my life, over 40 years ago and fell in love with the Matthorn.


  16. Awesome projects. The autograph books are AWESOME!!! I love that rhinestone Mickey on the visor too. Awesome job. My favorite memory is when we were at a character breakfast with Minnie and she sat down and fed my toddler girl her cereal. She was in awe and I was SO impressed. It was AWESOME! Hugs- Glora

  17. Love mickey!
    My favourite memory was visiting Disneyland for the first time when I was 28.... My nanna promised to take me when I was 18, although she passed when I was 8.
    So, I made the trip (from Austalia) and fulfilled that promise

  18. Such cute autography books! And that little Mickey head is adorable on the visor.

    My only actual memory of a Disney character interaction was when my son had just turned 3 and we were at Disney World. He was actually afraid of the characters and didn't want to go up to any of them. Then Baloo (not sure how to spell it) came up beside my son's dad and my son screamed, he was so scared for his dad. It was funny, in a sweet way, but kind of sad, too.

  19. Awesome idea for next Disney trip in October!!! Thank you for sharing.

  20. Wonderful post, lovely ideas and love the bling Mickey! TFS

  21. I am a late hopper because I was out of town but I just love your projects... autograph books are so cool!!!

  22. LOVE your book!
    I am trying to enter the raffflecopter widget and it keeps adding my entries but then goes back to the original number of entries. Start 566 after I enter all it goes to 572 then it goes back to 566 and has me enter again. HELP!!

  23. Barabara Macaskill - I talked to Shawn (the organizer of our hop) and she is going to enter you manually into the contest! Thanks for letting me know you were having trouble!!

  24. A great gift for the kids and for the parents. they can keep notes, pictures, tickets or play games (tic-tac-toe anyone)

  25. Great memory: All of them going to Disney were wonderful! Until the little ones had a melt down, which wasn't a problem. Now they are adults and enjoy it even more!

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