Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Trunk or Treat

Friday night was Trunk or Treat Night at my son's school.  I decorated my car as a Vet Clinic.  I tried as hard as I could to treat all of the animals (and butterflies and even a bee) that came to my clinic, but no one would get on my table!!  Elsa forgot to bring Sven to his appointment too!!   I still had fun passing out "treats" to everyone! 
I used my Cameo to design and cut out my sign.  I used vinyl on poster board.  I adhered the poster board to a piece of black foam core board and taped it to the top of my hatch. 
I filled my "treats" container with candy.  I printed off some checklists for treating animals.  I included some first aid supplies and toys from my daycare.

Here are some of my patients.  Rocky Racoon has a broken arm, Dotty Dalmation has stitches and Izzy Iguana has a sore throat. 
I had a lot of fun with the animals (and children) who came by!!


  1. Super cute! I love your sign! What a fun way to hand out candy!
    Miranda :) BL

  2. Awe what a cute idea, looks like it was a lot of fun!


  3. So cute and what fun! Happy Halloween (BL)

  4. What a great idea!!! and awesome that the school does that as well. - BL

  5. Great idea and I just love trunk or treat, such great ideas are shared. BL

  6. What a fun idea! You did a great job on the decorations. Happy Halloween!! BL
