Friday, January 16, 2015

A New Friend (Frosted Designs Layout)

Today starts a new challenge at Frosted Designs!  The Challenge is A New (_________).  This can be a resolution, goal or event.  Have fun with it and join us HERE!

We went to Disney World in November.  I have a Facebook friend, Melissa, who is a fellow Disney Lover!  Some people find us Disney Lovers kind of weird - Why do you go to Disney so much?  Weren't you just there?  Again?!?!?  I think we are long lost cousins! Her family moved from Michigan to the Orlando area last summer.

She has a son named Tanner who is a year older than my Tanner.  The Tanners got to meet for the first time and hit it off right away!!  We spend a few hours together on two days of our trip.

  Melissa and I got to meet in person for the first time - but we have known each other for years!  We first met doing Disney/Pixar Blog Hops!  Melissa gave us a few pointers.  This was our first time at Disney with the Christmas decorations, shows and party.

It was perfect in this photo that my Tanner's shirt matched Melissa, and her Tanner's shirt matched me!!  I used orange papers from We Are Memory Keepers (Artisan) and Basic Grey (Fresh Cut) along with blue cardstock. 

I pop-dotted these banner flags (Naturals wood shapes) after I inked the edges black.  I added the little cameras because it was totally a Kodak moment!!! 
I tucked the title at the bottom with these tall, skinny letters!
The boys exchanged information and plan on keeping in touch.  Until next time we can come down!!


  1. This is a cute layout, and I have to say I love the story behind it. I live near a friend just across the flordia border and we are both lovers of disney. Since we don't typically go at the same time, we always ask each other what we need from there when we go. She is actually picking up the chip coffee mug for me today. =) I hope you have many more visits to disney together!

  2. Catching up on all you've done while we were away and I adore your layouts - just commenting here to save time. I have to check out Let's Scrap too - I haven't scrapped one thing from 2014 yet.

  3. What a cute layout and nice way to meet a friend! thanks for linking up with the Creative Spark Link Party!
