Wednesday, February 25, 2015

3rd Grade Layout

Today marks the end of our DT Term at Let's Scrap.  Luckily I made the next term!

I have been at Let's Scrap for 5 terms and I have gotten a lot of Tanner's pictures scrapped!!  I love the sketches here - and if you are not much of a sketch follower, no worries you can use the sketches as a guideline!  You can make one side of a 2 page layout!  You can flip it, reverse it, take a few elements - just use it somehow!!
Here is our sketch for this week.  If you don't have a large photo, use some fancy paper.  If you don't have a ton of photos - no worries, you can use squares of different papers, a banner instead of squares across the top or bottom, flowers or gears - use your imagination!!!  Check out what our DT did HERE.
I used the class photo for my large photo and needed a large title.  I also did not have more photos for a pocket or little album, so I modified a Project Life card instead.  I used images from the Silhouette store for these. 
I used the term Best Friends because this year Tanner has really made some good friends and has gone on more play dates and sleepovers than last year.  He is very social and even does his hair!!!  Several girls swoon over him at school (I am told by his teacher)!  Not sure I am ready for that!! 
I love the giant 3rd grade!  I added a little Washi tape border to bring some black into the background,
I added smaller pictures on the layout - some are him and his friends, some are from school parties and the music program, the others are for rides he rode for the first time at Disney in November (Rockin' Rollercoaster and 7 Dwarf Mines).  So far, 3rd grade has been a great year for him!!


  1. Great layout! I love your take on the sketch. So glad we will be on team this next term together. :)

  2. OMG!!! What a Fantastic LO WOW you sure did an outstanding creative job!! You so came up with lots and lots of awesome embellishing & journaling ideas.
    All of your pictures are fantastic & Tanner's pics are adorable. Love your idea for how you laid out your pictures. I reall, REALLY love the way you scrap!!

  3. Wow, I love this page with all the pictures. Nice job on this take.

  4. Love how this turned out! Thanks for linking up at Creative Spark!
