Monday, February 2, 2015

EOS Lip Balm Cards

Happy February!!
Today I am featured at Sheila's BLOG with some cute EOS cards!
EOS is a brand of lip balm that comes in a round container that unscrews.  These cards are designed with a hole in the center for the lip balm.
I purchased these images from the Silhouette online store.  These are easy to create on your own if you measure the circumference of the EOS container and put a circle a tiny bit larger in the center of your flower layers. 
I chose a chevron pink paper and a solid pink paper for my flower petals. 
Once you have the layers cut out, just unscrew the lid and layer the pieces on the bottom half.
When the layers are on, just screw on the lid and your flower has a center!
The flower is for Tanner's teacher (from last year) who is having a birthday tomorrow.  He will sign his name on one of the leaves.  The owl is for his current teacher for Valentine's Day.

Thank you Sheila for having me over today!!


  1. Just saw your post over at Sheila's blog. I'm going to create them for my granddaughters.

  2. These are so cute. A few weeks ago I saw someone buying tons of these and I couldn't figure out why. Now I know. So cute!

  3. OMG this is such a clever and creative idea that is just as adorable as ever.
    WOW talking about coming up with a super fun idea and WHOOOO wouldn't want one. Girl you totally have blown me away with this one. YOU so ROCK!!
