Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Spring Pictures LO

Today begins a brand new challenge at Let's Scrap Sketches.  I found this gorgeous Quick Quotes paper in my stash and it looked so nice with my son's spring photos - so I had to put these together!!!
This sketch can be used as a 2-page layout, or you can use one of the pages to make a single layout.  If you are a card maker, you can use the design to inspire a card.  I did not have a large photo, so I created a collage of three photos instead. 
I added some wood bugs in place of the flowers - as a mom of all boys I don't use many flowers!!! 
I printed the title from my Silhouette Studio using a font that I purchased (Desire).  I cut scrapbook paper down to 8 1/2 x 11 and ran it through my printer.
We have traditional fall photos every year and do a spring photo session as a school fundraiser.  The backgrounds are outdoorsy and fun.

I hope you join us at Let's Scrap with your project!!!  You may just win the prize!!!


  1. Beautiful layout of your very handsome son, Lori.

  2. Awesome... that paper really shows off the pics!!!

  3. Great pictures and page Lori. Love that Quick Quotes paper. Tanner is getting so big. :)

  4. Awesome layout! Love all the inky distressing work out there, Lori!

  5. love the photos but the bugs are perfect! what a creative embellishment and most fitting for boys :)
