Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Christmas Morning Layouts

Monday I shared my Christmas Eve-Eve layouts.  If you missed them you can see them HERE.
Christmas Eve we spent at the zoo this year.  My layouts from yesterday are HERE.

Christmas morning was a little different this year.  Kramer, our oldest, works overnights right now and had to work Christmas Eve.  He got home at 7:30 so we did NOT get up at the crack of dawn!!!  We had to wake up Tanner, the youngest, for the first time ever on Christmas morning!! 
I used these trees from the Silhouette online store cut in gold metallic paper.  I inked the edges with Vintage Photo ink. 
The title also came from the Silhouette online store and I created a shadow layer (with the offset feature).  Tanner (on the left above) picked out this Green Bay Packers shirt for Kramer - these two are pretty tight! 
The Ho Ho Ho also came from the Silhouette online store.  Tyler (on the left) hates when I take his photo - notice the scowl and absolutely no eye contact!!!  Santa brought Tanner a new baseball glove!
Now I just need to finish the Christmas Day at Mimi and Papa's house layouts!!!

1 comment:

  1. I know there are two of you for sure now! Your layout's great. I might get to 2013 by 2015.
