Thursday, May 22, 2014

Decorated Water Bottles

I have a very special set of twins that have been in my daycare for the past 5 years.  They are going off to kindergarten in the fall.  Their mommy is a teacher, so today is there last day with me (sniff sniff).  

I wanted to make them something special to take to school.  I bought two blue water bottles.  Mallory and William both love blue and red, but blue the most!!!  I added some vinyl to the bottles.
This is just before they started with me - they were soooo small and soooo cute!!! 
This is Christmas 2012 at our annual Daycare Christmas Party. 
This is Christmas 2013.
 They took Tanner with them to the Pumpkin Patch - I just love these pics!!!

These were taken at our Easter Egg Hunt this year.  I can not believe they will not be here next year!!!  Where did the time go?!!?

Good luck to Mallory and William (and Mom too) as they start a new chapter!!  Love you guys!!


  1. They were lucky to have you and I'm sure they are loving their new water bottles.

  2. Oh my what a heartfelt story sure brought tears to my eyes and the warm fuzzies to my heart. What adorable kiddos love your pics OMG how precious thanks for sharing and girl you are one special, special gal and their lives are richer because of you. God bless!!
