Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Leaf Slide (Let's Scrap)

Hello and Happy Wednesday!!  Today starts a new weekly sketch challenge at Let's Scrap!  This week we have a card sketch, but I turned it into a layout.  That is the beauty of Let's Scrap - you can use the sketches as a guide to create what you want on paper!!

I have been on the Design Team at Let's Scrap for 8 months and have been able to get about 50 layouts done thanks to the weekly challenges and other fun challenges!  If you are looking for inspiration - come check us out!!  Oh yeah, we also have awesome sponsors and prizes!!
Here is the card sketch.  I used a title instead of the sentiment and leaves instead of stars.  Last fall, I raked all of the leaves in a pile at the bottom of my slide and let my daycare kids slide into them!  It was safer than jumping in the pile!  I got some great pics - this one is my Tanner.
I have these awesome wood veneer leaves and took some Glossy Accents and Lindy's Stamp Gang Miracles in Mission Bells Brown and created a paste.  I painted the wood pieces and got a wonderful shiny dimensional finish! 
I cut this polaroid frame from the Silhouette store and trimmed my photo to fit.  I tied some twine around the bottom of the frame and glued a leaf on the knot with Glossy Accents.  The rest of the leaves are cascading down the page. 
I inked the edges of my paper strips and adhered my title at the bottom of the page. 
I have been waiting for the perfect sketch for this photo and now I have the perfect layout for it!!

Thanks for stopping by!!

If you are looking for Lindy's Stamp Gang Miracles, I found mine HERE.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your son is so handsome. You are the L/O Queen, Miss Lori. Every time you post a L/O I try to get another one of mine done, and now I'm only 3 pages shy of finishing my 2012 album. Go, me! (You're not going to ask about 2013, are you?)

  3. Your LO is so awesome and your son sure is one handsome dude you must be so proud. What a fun page and you sure came up with some fab clever and creative ideas. YOU ROCK!!
